The Board President’s Latest Trick: Is VV Holding the Strings?

What’s Really Going On Behind the Curtain?

Well folks, just when we thought the show was over, the Board President steps back into the spotlight, determined to pull one last trick out of her hat. Despite the community’s loud and clear disapproval of Outsider VV’s reign, she seems hell-bent on getting this raise passed. You have to wonder—does VV have some magic dirt on the Board, or is this just another episode of “How the Board President Tries to Sell Us Out”?

Let’s break it down: VV’s performance as superintendent has been about as stellar as a foggy night with no stars in sight. Layoffs? Check. Budget disasters? Double check. And yet, here we are, with the President tirelessly pushing for a new 5-year contract, complete with a shiny raise, while the rest of the community is scratching their heads wondering, “Does she have a side hustle as VV’s PR manager?”

A Raise for Failure? Only in East Brunswick

You’d think that with the district heading in the wrong direction (numbers don’t lie, folks), the Board would be a bit more cautious about throwing more money at the man who’s been steering the ship into the iceberg. But nope! Our President seems determined to lock VV into another 5-year deal. It’s almost as if she’s working harder for VV than VV is working for the schools.

The real kicker? No one—and we mean no one—seems to understand why they’re even opening his contract in the first place. What kind of deal-making is going on behind the scenes? The original proposal of a 3.5% raise has now shrunk to 2.75%, but why are they still talking raises at all when the community thinks VV’s job performance deserves a pink slip, not a paycheck boost?

The Board President’s Angle—And Why It Smells Fishy

Here’s where it gets juicier: this isn’t just some innocent oversight or administrative misstep. This is a full-blown, pre-election, sneaky backroom deal, designed to slide in under the radar before the new Board members—Figueroa, Falco, Braun, and Jenn Figueroa—can take office and squash it. These four, who’ve made it crystal clear they wouldn’t rubber-stamp this nonsense, are poised to win. So what’s the President’s play here?

It’s almost laughable. Lauri L with her trusty sidekick Heather G, is trying to rush this contract through the Board, likely needing outgoing member Becker’s vote to make it happen. And why? Is it just friendship with VV that’s keeping her pushing for this absurd raise? Or is there something more sinister beneath the surface? The whole situation reeks of favoritism and backdoor deals, and the community isn’t buying it.

If any incumbent votes in favor of this—and the public still votes for them—there truly are no words left for the level of absurdity we’ve reached.

Time to Show Up and Speak Out

The taxpayers deserve answers, and VV’s magical disappearing accountability act isn’t going to cut it. It’s time for the community to show up, make their voices heard, and ensure this deal gets buried where it belongs. Because if this is what the Board President is willing to do out in the open, imagine what’s happening behind closed doors.

Mark your calendars for the next Board meeting—it’s going to be one for the ages. And this time, let’s make sure the Board President’s little magic tricks don’t pull one over on us.

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