
September 2024
The Perilous Crossroads: A Serious Concern In East Brunswick, a particular intersection has been stirring up more than just traffic. The community has voiced concerns so fervent and frequent that it’s clear this isn’t something to be taken lightly. Every stop sign, every flashing light at this junction seems to have a story—a testament to...
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If there’s one thing the residents of East Brunswick can rally behind, it’s the pursuit of a perfect manicure. But recently, the local nail scene has been rocked to its very core by the shocking and sudden disappearance of none other than Sue. Yes, Sue—the one person who could effortlessly wield a cuticle pusher while...
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Banned Books, Boring Threads, and Bewildered Comments More proof that you don’t need to participate in every thread, especially if you don’t know the facts. Ah, Banned Books Week—the time of year when libraries nationwide celebrate the freedom to read, and social media threads explode with heated debates. The East Brunswick Public Library has jumped...
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Who’s Really to Blame for Unheard Candidates? In the lively political landscape of East Brunswick, it’s election season again, and the community is abuzz. This time, the controversy isn’t about the EB BOE candidates themselves, but about who’s hogging the spotlight. According to an anonymous poster on an East Brunswick forum, the four candidates who...
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The Mystery of the Morning Marauder Debra from Summerhill Road section had a rough start to her day, waking up to find that someone had liberated a package from her doorstep before the clock struck 7 AM. She took to NextDoor, pleading with the thief, who’s undoubtedly a dedicated reader of neighborhood forums, to kindly...
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East Brunswick—You know, it’s not every day you find a local hero, but sometimes, amidst the chaos of screeching tires, pop-up drag races, and emoji-filled social media threads, one brave soul stands out. Enter Melissa GTA, our very own voice of reason in this wild, gasoline-fueled adventure on Route 18. The Great Race Debate: Are...
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If you’ve ever wondered where people who find Facebook too complicated go to air their grievances and share their hopes and dreams, welcome to Nextdoor. It’s the digital equivalent of yelling out your window, but with more passive-aggressive comments and fewer neighborhood watch patrols. The latest hot topic? The fate of our dearly departed Red...
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A Plea For Help It’s time for a serious public service announcement, folks. There’s a man out there suffering silently, and his name is Rob W. For years, he’s been the go-to guy for all the juicy, classified, hush-hush information in town. And while he’s managed to keep these secrets locked up tighter than a...
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Few incidents will smell as infamous as the Great Stench Mystery of Cranbury Road in the annals of East Brunswick lore. As residents clamored to solve this olfactory offense, social media became the battleground for theories ranging from mundane to conspiratorial. The Scent Begins It started innocently enough when John posted a query that wafted...
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The Day Nothing Happened and Everyone Talked About It It was just another day on Cranbury Road—sun shining, birds chirping, and a cement truck quietly pouring its heart out alongside a stoic cop car guarding the mundane from becoming chaos. This scene, so typical yet so critical, captured the heart of Farrah, a top contributor...
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